Important..please read before continuing

The more serious posts are at the beginning of the blog. I ran out of good topics and started doodling :P
Unfortunately, they aren't written as well as the later posts. . .
Your choice

PS: It surprises me, how I have to validate every single thing I do. I mean, there was absolutely no reason for me to write this note, and even less, to write this postscript, or the postpostscript, that i will write after this one. Maybe, I do not like being misinterpreted. or maybe if there's any criticism that needs to be dished out, i'd rather do it myself.Or maybe i'm just a megalomaniac who wants to be all encompassing and always in a position to say: 'I told you so', even if the 'so' is some inherent flaw in me :P

PPS: Or maybe i just have too much free time, writing long posts to an imaginary audience. . . .

PPPS: Wait, that would be megalomania. . .

Sunday, June 6, 2010

In the beginning there was a cliche....

I am filled with a sudden urge to write.......I usually don't start off like this...In my is a precursor of
a) pure nonsense....(writing.....just that..arbitrariness(which wouldn't be incongruous come to think of it )
b)something about responsibilities and ambitions, birds soaring in the sky unfettered and free and meanings of life....

Now don't get me wrong...i have done plenty of the latter...and indulge once in a while in the former( kind of like marijuana ?(Joking mom... !!)(i see a full fledged analogy here..satya ! :P))But coming back to why i don't start off like this.....i see that my explanation would lead to an indepth critique of society ( which will still be very superficial and kiddish) and conformism and rebellion as conformism and rebellion against 'rebellion as conformism' and so on in an infinite loop...It's like trying to second guess someone...You stand at a buffet and are about to take a plate when you wonder which one of them is most likely to be clean...the top one..naah..someone will have touched it..But what if someone who is a level 2 finick (second guessing someones second guess) was before you..then you have a problem...because you have just pushed that first domino and now you are dealing with infinitely many infinity level finicks and finally you pick the 3rd plate...because
a) you are hungry AND
b) you like the number three

Well, now i've digressed completely..Leaving you to wonder where we started.....don't worry...
a bit of a detour.... actually i got lost...Still don't know where this is supposed to be heading...but i'm sure if i keep going on i'll find something interesting....
Awkward Pause........

well...uhmm...ahem...some water maybe...sniff sniff....gargle....
( i love this part !!)
My two favourite topics : Love and Societyissoscrewedup are probably overdone by now ...Hell who am i kidding...they're like...burnt to a crisp...and are now..pure carcinogen...(apparently all the black burnt spots on chapatis, papads and tandoor cooked food are carcinogenic :P)

Even more awkward Pause....

Sorry was just checking my old posts to see what i had already written about so that those that have been following my stuff regularly (oh ha ha...:P) wouldn't get bored....
i remember saying something about success and then leaving off without having said was quite funny go and read it....( useless, but very very persistent (!!) advertisement only someone reading this will be part of my affected audience !! :P :P) and it strikes me.. that it's a very nice topic to write on..Lot's of twists and universally accepted generally scope for bullshittin...

There's this song..'American Dream' by switchfoot(the song's brilliant too, whose lyrics talk about success being equated with excess..and i thought....hey that's an interesting idea....and more or less universally accepted too...I often do you hear a fat guy in a furry robe and a mustache waddling around in a plush living room with a fireplace(which is even funnier...cause most of the time..this guy's an indian, and we sure as hell (!!!!!!!) don't need fireplaces ! ), looking kinda like a walrus...only not cute...saying.. "I have more money than i need(in hindi !)" Yup..A lot of people think that excess is succes...But then.. when i think about what i want from life...Interesting, stimulating work, friends and love.....I imagine having all these in excess.......and i go all.. Blah..boink ...BooYa...Wacka wacka.........Yadda Yadda...........

It would get real damn confusing and screwed up.....I that sense we do know what success is..It is having enough.... :P Or rather not wanting more.......In that sense...The Buddha was right...It follows logically...that if one doesn't want for anything..,,,he/she has enough...and is therefore successful.......But then...that's circular...cause success, in the broader..' successful' sense of the word is defined as having back we are at the beginning...wishing....If only i am satisfied with what i have.... ! Though we don't think of it in those terms... :P
Truth is, we can never be satisfied...cause it is human nature to try and satisfy everyone....Like the story of the father, son and donkey...They were walking back home and some passersby said how stupid they were not to ride the donkey.The father told the son to sit on the donkey...Passersby commented on how the cruel young son was making his father walk while he rode the donkey.When the father sat..people said how the poor son was made to walk by his heartless father...they both climbed onto the donkey and people felt bad for the donkey...Finally they started carrying the donkey, and were adjudged mad.......

This is our fate.....By striving to please everyone, we end up going mad...Of is a parable and as parables's an exaggerated analogy...but it's not far from the truth...We do try to please everyone and we do go mad....
My advice...Do what you want, screw the rest...And success...well..Success is happiness.....It is making the most of what one has, being reconciled to the fact that not everyone is going to think so and not caring anyway.....

PS: But, recursively...some people are happy because someone else is happy...and therefore their opinion would matter to them....Therefore...excess is definitely not success !!!

PPS: Preach Preach Preach Yak Yak Yak....

PPPS:The recursion could also lead to a nasty loop if two people find happiness(rate of increase of.... rather) in each others happiness....if both have happiness equal to zero before this...Otherwise...with a positive value for happiness, it could lead to infinite happiness(impossible !!)...implies....


  1. I like the donkey,son,father analogy. I think its quite apt..Sort of portrays 'be in the state of being if you think of it being right'.
    cheers..waiting for the travel blog!!

  2. Listen to American Dream....Awesome song !! \m/

  3. nice write up.....liked the unrelated rattlings and the writing!!
