Important..please read before continuing

The more serious posts are at the beginning of the blog. I ran out of good topics and started doodling :P
Unfortunately, they aren't written as well as the later posts. . .
Your choice

PS: It surprises me, how I have to validate every single thing I do. I mean, there was absolutely no reason for me to write this note, and even less, to write this postscript, or the postpostscript, that i will write after this one. Maybe, I do not like being misinterpreted. or maybe if there's any criticism that needs to be dished out, i'd rather do it myself.Or maybe i'm just a megalomaniac who wants to be all encompassing and always in a position to say: 'I told you so', even if the 'so' is some inherent flaw in me :P

PPS: Or maybe i just have too much free time, writing long posts to an imaginary audience. . . .

PPPS: Wait, that would be megalomania. . .

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Are we living??...or are we just being lived…?? Do we control our future….?? Or is our path predetermined by some mysterious force toying with us (GOD…I mean if we have no choice then making us feel that we do and then getting all confused is just sadism…)Are you destined to do things that seem to have been ‘the wrong choice’ in the future...Can we really do anything we wish….Or do only the successful ones remember their (once great, now mundane) goals; the people who fail forgetting their ‘potential’ in a wave of pity and ‘helplessness’…Does serendipity favor the brave….or does GOD just play a mean game of chess….these are not questions really just rhetoric….for most people (and I mean most !! )have firm beliefs as regards the question of destiny v/s choice ….A few do exist who are confused…but most either believe that their lives are predestined and that they must surrender to ‘The Flow’…or…that a man can achieve anything that he sets his mind to…..

I … (“Like always” you would say..(Possibly with a smirk (or maybe a resigned sigh)))...prefer to sit on the fence…and use copious amounts of cream on my behind (Oww…)…I mean who can really say what is true….causality is not easily proven, even in non spiritual terms…so when we talk about whether GOD has a plan and created a complex algorithm that makes us exactly as indecisive (or not) as we are in order to make us feel that we have arrived on the conclusion after much deliberation (or that we’re cool impulsive rebels!!)..we’re just kiddin ourself that we can reason it out…because to do that one must have an accurate idea of god’s psyche…and here we have issues about his (or her) existence(Yes. I’m biased…)…

What I personally believe is that we do have a choice at least till the moment of choice …that is the time when we make that decision….What I mean to say is that once a decision is made…there could have been no other decision that one could have made...because at the decisive point( haahhahahha) our biases psyche and our personality could have made us make only one decision…That is till ‘the point of possible parallel universes(dl: died laughing a hip substitute for lol which is bloody clichéd)’ (infinitely many of which exist) we do have a choice, but the mini choices that we make along the way that , in the end create our final choice..again have the same construction, making everything inevitable and planned but that’s not true…read through again… and you’ll see that every thing is inevitable just in the split second before it happens…before that …It is all open….

One’s personality and frame of mind at the exact moment of a decision make that decision redundant and a sure thing….. but since that personality and that frame of mind are bound to change the next instant….we’re back to square one…fact is that all the instantaneous personalities of a person are defined by what he was in the previous moment …and thus going back in time (haha) one will come to the conclusion that we are what we were born to be…but really….one never knows what he or she is made of….so through life…as we make our decisions we see what we are…and thus it makes life a journey to find oneself…because in the end it’s our life that makes us who we are….and of course I would have to agree that one’s parents and teachers play an important role by making certain decisions and instilling (or trying to) certain biases and ideas in us…..But…then that kind of explains life…something controlled by your genetics and environment and a journey to find yourself…the choices are open because till you make them you don’t know that you are the person who can only make a certain decision…it is in fact the decision that makes you aware of the fact…..

Another thing that one get’s tired of hearing is.. “Oh..I would’ve done it…I mean I have the potential…I was just too lazy..I mean…I had the potential..” Now I feel that potential is a word that can only be used in terms of light bulbs and the like…I mean…..a thing like that is proved only once your ‘potential’ is converted into something tangible….something observable…so stop crying about the coulds….and walk in the woulds…..

PS: the last line is something I read in some ‘chicken soup for the soul book’It’s highly preachy and ‘self help’ y but…it’s nice…

1 comment:

  1. cool! i didn't know ure a serious philosopher. next time we meet, we kick everyone (except vaid maybe) from some room and have a nice long debate on something (other than YU's competence ) to debate on!
