This particular ‘thing’ that I am writing has a very (shitty) dubious inspiration…Hmm…let’s see…I won’t really call it inspiration but rather catalysis or rather a ‘coming together of several elements which rouses you to action whereas each individual element wouldn’t get a second glance’ (serendipity?!)...
Ok...So I watched
Did god create us?...or did we create him ?….Is he someone whom we dump all of the things that our beyond our understanding and help? Or is he someone who is used to explain all things that cannot be explained? Is he the bottomless pit of faith that comes in where our ideas fail? Or is he (or has he been made into) a gambit in the chess game of politics?(or maybe a scapegoat...!)…Questions about the origin of religion and about how it has evolved (or been shaped :-P) over the years are not as common as those about other aspects of life…simply because they are easily understood…..I mean it’s obvious… since a pot had to be made by a potter and a shirt stitched by a tailor so is it necessary that for humans to exist there must be one who has brought us into existence….something that lit the spark… that stirred the cauldron…we came from somewhere and therefore there must have been a stimulus …that …is god…..
Slowly…this god…who created us evolved into the omnipotent omniscient and all pervading munificent being…this is because…we couldn’t explain a lot of things…and where our ideas..our hypotheses ended….we created beliefs and faith…and since god was truly (obviously ) great…for having created us of course….(such arrogance !!!) was the only candidate…on him was thrust the responsibility of everything including the seasons and the movement of heavenly bodies, not to mention determination of one’s love lives and academic career…Wow…must’ve had a hard time…As we progressed….our ideas (bolstered by evidence) reduced the workload of the ‘parent of our race’ but we still went crying to him after every gastrointestinal twinge of pain…moaning.. “oh god !”( aand..other things as well (wink))
So we attribute to god all that science could not understand..(thus creating jobs for all his PA’s and PR guys)..and some (or many (who am I kidding)) prefer the painless method of pushing everything onto god, including the herculean task of creating the world in 6 days (with Sunday off) So in short we all needed to believe certain things….like a gentle patriarch (or matriarch) ,who would forgive our every sin and would love us for ever…..and forgive me if I sound blasphemous or atheistic ( cause I’m not )but I think all that we needed was a placebo….and as a result…..we prayed to a superhuman person who was attributed with omnipotence …omniscience and others ( sometimes called the GOD skillset) Due to the different places we were born and the comfort level ( as regards god’s looks and qualities) of our ancestors we were saddled with different images of god and different ways of talking to him and pleasing him….
Thus came religion……now once the era of wars was over and people ( in general) no longer thought it was ‘good fun’ to invade that ‘nice green plateau’..(post the crusades…)our erstwhile rulers realized that it was fair sport to divide and rule…to first create strife among the people and then gloriously unify them…(or take the side of the bigger votebank !)…Expected….because fact is….giving education grants to muslims for the maharashtrian foundation anniversary makes absolutely no sense….I mean…don’t insult our intelligence by writing this yaar…But hey….Assembly elections are fast approaching …really sorry guys. I forgot. My mistake…but since I have started this blog…I can’t just forget about it (like those half sneezes y’know)…
So what the broad idea I take from this line of thought is that….divide and rule has always worked….and…the best divisions are those that are the oldest and most sacred…like religion…or….(drum roll announcing another hot topic) caste….I mean awesome….i personally feel that all these similar tactics that politicians have used for years should be dropped now. We figured it out is what I feel like screaming. I mean grow up guys….be intelligent ….think of new stratagems to brainwash us into voting for you…cause we aren’t that stupid (or are we?).I mean reservations for ‘reserved’ and backward classes that exceed 50 % …If they’re minorities….reduce the percentage...If they’re financially weak give them money not seats. And if they’re dumb then it’s stupid..
I mean if you’re better at running do you run giving your weaker opponent a handicap especially when your whole life may be at stake…(objectivism…Refer to the works of ayn rand)
I mean whenever I discuss this with my mom and say that… smart people have got to be distributed equally among the Brahmins kshatriyas vaisias and shudras (nature is unbiased)…my mom replies that maybe the castes were initially a way of showing status and intellectual superiority (lets get out of the intricacies and talk of just SCST and non SCST ) and genetics worked slowly to give non SCST’s an advantage…then I say..ok they’re dumb…why all these altruistic feelings then…..let them clear exams on their own merit and give them infrastructural assistance like books and finance etc…that’s logical…do we help intellectually weak students from non SCST families….no….and that brings us back to (DO(e) a deer a female deer !!!!) divide and rule…..
PS: My feelings are every bit as strong as they appear to be… (And if they don’t come off as strong then they’re stronger…)
PPS: Two wrongs don’t make a right….if they were ill-treated in times of old….then do you give them unfair advantages now…
PPPS: I waste all my time writing logical arguments opposing all this stuff…everyone knows this and we don’t give a damn…
PPPPS: Oops…forgot the OBC’s….!!