Important..please read before continuing

The more serious posts are at the beginning of the blog. I ran out of good topics and started doodling :P
Unfortunately, they aren't written as well as the later posts. . .
Your choice

PS: It surprises me, how I have to validate every single thing I do. I mean, there was absolutely no reason for me to write this note, and even less, to write this postscript, or the postpostscript, that i will write after this one. Maybe, I do not like being misinterpreted. or maybe if there's any criticism that needs to be dished out, i'd rather do it myself.Or maybe i'm just a megalomaniac who wants to be all encompassing and always in a position to say: 'I told you so', even if the 'so' is some inherent flaw in me :P

PPS: Or maybe i just have too much free time, writing long posts to an imaginary audience. . . .

PPPS: Wait, that would be megalomania. . .

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tending to utopia :P

Utopia. . . .Dystopia. . . . Today. . . .

A long time ago ( in a galaxy far far away. . . (time coordinate of course :P(and here i get outragede when someone calls me a geek :P))) i wrote a post about capitalism and communism--

-- At the end, i spoke about how a mixture of the two exists in our world today, viz: A capitalist economy, balanced by economic controls, taxation and 'redistribution of weath' ish policies by the government. . I also expressed the view that this form of society, which incorporated both communist and capitalist elements, had developed naturally, because of the amount of time that had passed within the purview of recorded history allowed for a capitalist(the early kings and administrators) society to develop, be overthrown by the masses, and then for a sort of equilibrium to be achieved. I was thinking about our world and how we seemed to have settled, more or less in to this system, this organisation that is the world. . And how most people think that to make things better would mean working inside this system, that there are some concepts and ideas , that are untouchable and sacrosanct, that must be as they are , for our world today , is as has been decreed by the lord almighty. . .

Two words. . .BULL SHIT
( funny how star movies converts shit into crap in their subtitles, i mean. . what the crap ?!! :P)

If one analyses through time, how today's society has evolved, one will see that not much thought has gone into it's structure and functioning (neglecting all conspiracy theories about a few very smart, very powerful oligarchs running the world: and then we have loads of other stuff to worry about :P) It has evolved as a result of natural human competitiveness, revolutionary social movements and finally a balance in the power distribution. . . A very complex balance. . . And yet, at some point people got comfortable with the idea of this structure, mainly because the people in power liked it for the benefits it afforded them, and hence throttled all attempts to even talk of a different structure, so much so that people believe that this system is the most perfect possible. .

In truth, this is one of several, possible equilibria. . It is just the one that we are facing due to certain historical events that led the history of the world on this path. . Also, every system in the world can be made better, cause if it can't then it is the best possible one and everyone agrees that our world today is decidedly not utopian. . Agreed that most systems, specifically one of such complexity and magnitude as the world that we inhabit, can be bettered infinitesimally slowly, they are asymptotic in a sense. . . The idea is right, the implementation can be bettered. .

For example, i have drunk chaas, (or buttermilk) at prices of Rs 5 per glass and Rs 100 per glass( same goes for Dosas, lemon juice and everything else under the sun) and frankly i don't see the difference in quality, or ambience or whatever the hell else that causes the difference in price. . .

Now people may argue that this is far from being a true example of my point . . agreed. . i'm leading somewhere. . . It is true that people pay for what they want, and not for what they deem, 'not worth it', but it is also true that the head of a particular industry decides how much his workers labour is worth and how much his capital, or strategy or business acumen is worth. . Who can decide how much each of those things is worth ? Shouldn't these parameters have suitably defined price tags? When something is sold @ raw material + production process + workers skill+ managers managerialness + supermanager's . . . ad infinitum + capital + blah blah. . .Who is to say that the worker isn't paying more for his own skill on the product, than he was paid for it in the first place ??

Also, on the socialist side of things, it is an open secret that a lot of money disappears in transit and that sometimes, whole policies of social upliftment and redistribution of wealth are nepotist and hyper-politically motivated

There is a better way. . . I intend to find it :D

PS: Wish me luck

PPS: Lots of it !!


  1. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".......That's a quote that I really like. It's often said that everyone you got where he is had to begin somewhere.

    Utopia may seem unimaginable in the world we live in today where everyone is a cynic. No one believes it is even remotely possible to have a world where everyone is equal or gets what he deserves.

    More and more people need to start thinking on the same lines that you are....and then those thoughts and words need to be converted into action. An uphill task surely but not impossible.

    Keep looking!!! May your search lead you to what you're looking for.

  2. Very Nice Post....
    You may like to see the documentary Zeitgeist Addendum, a part of which(3rd Part) highlights something which you're looking for. I am not sure whether you would consider it utopia but it can come pretty close to that. You might want to have a look. It's pretty interesting.

  3. Hey best of luck son!!! but do'nt fool yourself along the way !!You like the good things in life just as much as the nextt person or considerably more might I say!! its definitely better at Indigo than at Vrunda's cafe!! not that Laxmi Bar does;nt have its charms (almas for jj students)But you would'nt take your gal there and if you did she'd dump a pitcher of beer on your head !! the good things in life are good for a reason and......that is ....we all love them ...mmmmmmm......
